Friday, November 7, 2014

Teamwork in Basketball

November 7th, 2014:

I have continued 'Fun Basketball' for the second block of after-school activities and there are actually more students that have joined this time. Much of my peers from my grade have joined the activity so it really does make the whole experience more engaging and intensifying. With my older age group joined in, the speed of the games flow much faster which puts a lot of my focus on my dribbling skills. The game plans used have also become more advanced as there are more people on court. Different techniques have been brought into the games such as walls in which a person from one team stands next to or behind an opposing team member so that their team partner can have a clearer path to dribble the ball and get to the basket. I am glad that these faster-paced matched we are having in this activity are giving me the opportunity to improve on my basketball skills and could help me when trying out for the SAISA basketball team next semester. Here is a short clip of a game we had:  

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